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Abutment and prosthetic screw fractures have become increasingly a common place due to the increasing use of third party manufacturers and to the mix and matching of various systems that claim cross compatibility. Even labs have started to outsource many of the abutments and the screw tolerances are not being evaluated. In addition passivity of frameworks and restorations seem to be overlooked with avoidance of verification jigs and trial prosthesis. The increasing use of full arch restorations necessitates use of prosthetic screws over multi unit abutments. This has led to increasing number of screw fractures and loosening. This course will illustrate step by step removal of broken screws from implants and retrieval of screw fragments within the implants. When the abutment screw assembly is quite rigid and when there is an overload, implants may sometimes fracture or the crest module that supports the prosthesis could flower. The only option in the past to remove fractured implants was to trephine these implants out. The technique of removing fractured implants in an atraumatic manner will be illustrated with videos and step-by-step demonstration.



  • To recognize screw fractures and stripped screws and identify the cause of these occurrences.
  • To create a plan to retrieve and remove broken abutment and prosthetic screws
  • To illustrate the use of  the Screw removal kit
  • The removal of any fractured implant either at the crest module  level  or at the body level of implants.
  • To learn the atraumatic way to remove fractured implants.
  • How to place implants immediately after removal of fractured implants.

Sep. 17, 2022 Managing Prosthetic Complications (FR/SR) with Immediate Implant

  • Dr. Jeffery C. Platt, DDS  / COURSE DIRECTOR

    Dr. Jeffery C Platt, DDS is a compassionate Colorado Springs dentist who provides general, Implant, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry. Dr. Platt is a graduate of the University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Dentistry. He has additional education in orthodontics, restorative implants, and implant surgery, endodontics, biomimetic and holistic dentistry, Ozone, dental materials and their usages to name only a few of his extra educational achievements. Dr. Platt attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Dr. Platt lectures regularly teaching dentists how to use implants and how to perform the surgical and restorative part of implant dentistry. He lectures monthly in Colorado and Oregon and has other speaking engagements on the international scene. Dr. Platt is a member of AACD, ICOI, IADI, ABD, ADSM, ADA, CDA.

NeoBiotech USA

2700 E. Foothill Blvd. #121

Pasadena, CA 91107  


Mon - Fri 7:00am-5:00pm (PST)

Sat & Sun Closed

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  • 유튜브 - 흰색 원
  • 인스 타 그램 - 흰색 원

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