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✓ GAO Implant Surgical & Loading Protocol

‘When to Load a Dental Implant?’ is still an uncomfortable question to answer for successful osseointegration and

satisfying each patient’s request these days. The timing of dental implant loading is heavily dependent on initial

mechanical stability and secondary biological stability which results from bone remodeling and osseointegration.

Therefore, achieving prolonged maintenance of adequate initial stability and rapid establishment of secondary biological

stability has been one of the major goals of GAO implant surgical & restorative concept for over a decade such as CMI

fixation and Anti-Thermal Damaging Osteotomy protocol. This presentation will review the most updated and unique

GAO implant surgery & loading protocol which will allow adequate primary stability and minimum bone damage – which

also promotes the accelerated establishment of biological stability with maintained initial mechanical stability.


✓ Clinical Implication of Current Understanding of Implant Stability

Dental implant stability is highly associated with successful osseointegration and long-term outcome of dental implant treatment. However, there have been incomplete data and controversial studies regarding the validity and correlations among the stability measuring methods utilizing tapping sound, torque, resonance frequency analysis, and damping capacity analysis. This presentation will critically review the currently available implant stability measuring methods and their correlations based on In vitro research and clinical data. The clinical relevance of the measurements from each method also will be discussed.


✓ Myth And Truth Of CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery – Why Your Guided Implant System In Not Working?

CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry can significantly improve the predictability of treatment outcomes.

However, inadequate understanding and usage of the CAD/CAM guided implant surgery system may result in

catastrophic surgical and prosthetic complications due to the nature of the guided surgery system being ‘Blind Surgery’.

This presentation will review the limitation of currently available CAD/CAM guided implant surgery systems and

corresponding possible clinical complications, solutions, and prevention. The most updated surgical protocol of the

NeoNavi Guide Surgery and its related clinical data will be presented along with the step by step surgical procedure

demonstration and hands-on experience.

Feb. 20, 2022 MYTHS and FACTS On Guided Implant Surgery

  • Dr. Spencer S. Park  / COURSE DIRECTOR

    - Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA

    - Residency, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA School of Dentistry

    - Fellowship, Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, UCLA School of  Dentistry

    - Former Prosthetic Director, Implant Dentistry, ACT program, UCLA 

    - Former Clinical Assoc. Professor, Division of Adv. Prosthodontics, UCLA

    - Director, GAO Education Center, CA

    - Director, SP Dental Clinic, CA

    - Clinical R&D consultant, Ray America

NeoBiotech USA

2700 E. Foothill Blvd. #121

Pasadena, CA 91107  


Mon - Fri 7:00am-5:00pm (PST)

Sat & Sun Closed

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  • 유튜브 - 흰색 원
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